Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Somebody packs a suitcase in a hurry. Why?

"We have to leave now Julie, before it's too late." the young man tell the woman on the other side of the bed, being Julie. The man crams his already full suitcase with a couple more shirts, Julie stuffing her suitcase as well, full of her shirts and pants, as well as stuffing two pairs of shoes in it before sitting on it to get it to close.
 She quickly zips it up and grabs her purse, jacket and keys, handing the keys to the young man.
"These are to my car, its got enough gas in it to get to the dealership where you can get yours John." Julie says, opening the door. The police would be there any minute to look for the both of them, Christians.
 John nods and pulls is rolling suitcase along and smashes his phone, along with Julies.
"Alright, we should be good, and hopefully with prayer we will make it to the woods to meet with the others, I'm thinking about even ditching the car we rent, seeing as it will draw more attention to us." John explains, and shuts the apartments door quietly. Julie nods and together, grasping hands, they quietly rush down the steps to Julies old tan Honda Civic, the thing was on its last life, and they would have to make it count.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

A woman is struggling to get a large package into the trunk of her car. Her son doesn't get out of the car to help her. Write the scene. (Part Two)

 Alice slowly comes to but her head is foggy as she slowly opens her eyes. She was in a room. A bed room by the looks off it. But instead of on the bed, she was in a big cage in the corner of the room, just enough for her to lay down, but not stretched out, and just tall enough to let her sit up. She slowly sits up and groans holding her head. She felt a draft and gasped to see that  she was just in a big hoody, her clothes gone. The hoodie was a guys, and it smelled of one too. The cage was locked and she cries out.
 "Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?" she calls and rattles the cage. This looked like a guys room. Bluish things, nothing girly, but nothing immature. Books lay out on shelves, a desk, bed, and.... a window! But the blinds were shut and it looked dark.
 Alice hugged her legs to her chest and buried her face in them. "Oh God, please help me." she pleads softly, and the door opens.

"Another girl found dead. Starved and beaten." Agent Ginger Harris thinks and sighs sadly. They had found Florence Gore yesterday, just dumped on the side of a deserted road. Three other girls had been found, within exactly one month of each other. No sexual assault, just bruises and internal bleeding, their stomachs empty. Now another girl was found missing. Who was doing this, and why?

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A woman is struggling to get a large package into the trunk of her car. Her son doesn't get out of the car to help her. Write the scene.

The woman struggles that she comes out of UPS handling a huge box that she struggles with. 
 I quickly hurry up to her, say no I'm in struggle to unlock her trunk. I also saw her son , Just sitting in the car, writing in the book, not paying a bit of attention to his mother struggle. He looked about my age to maybe 18 or 20.
" Ma'am! Let me help you with that!" I call out grabbing the box from under her. Despite my small frame, I handled the box rather well.
" Oh honey, thank you. I can't find my keys!" She size and digs into her purse but smiling. She finds them with an "ah ha!" and opens the trunk with her key.
"Just set it to the side dear..." she suggests and I nod, putting it in.
Next thing I knew I felt strong hands cramming into the trunk and a rag put over my face. My vision boards in my eyes roll but not before I hear her say-
" You'll  be a perfect girlfriend for my son."

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

You are a customer lying face down on the floor during a bank robbery. Describe the robbery from this vantage point.

   "Everyone down on the ground and stay down!" I am Man orders and a lady lets out a frightened scream as guns are drawn by three men that come into the bank. I quickly get on the ground as ordered, I shove my purse away for me for good measure, knowing that it wouldn't do any good to try and call the police as well as everyone knows there's a silent alarms and banks. I cross my arms in front of me and lay my head sideways on them.
    My heart is still racing and I slowed it by taking slow deep breath's. I watch the moon quickly go from person to person collecting lots and purses. One comes to me and stop.
    "Hey boys, look at this one! She even through her purse away from her!" He laughs through his mask. The one training his gun on the manager looks over and smile.
     "Smart girl. What's your name sugar?" He says sweetly before I can answer the guy above me raise my license out loud.
     "Clair Larkrise..... age 20, young aren't you?" He questions.
I shrug, "not much younger than you." I say calmly. "Your what? I'm guessing 25?"